Safety Wall Padding | HPL Cubicle | Metal Lockers | Steel Lockers

Safety wall padding

Wall padding for indoor stadiums and school are the fundamental safety element for the children to guarantee protective space.  MBM is one of the best safety wall padding providers in UAE since 1992. PROPAD is the line of protective padding mainly used for the sports area. Padded walls are perfect for the sports surface. Our wall protection will be manufactured according to your needs. Most of the wall protection projects are done for schools .In MBM we innovate year after year with different material and increasing the system safety of the student and tranquility of the educators.

HPL cubicles
HPL toilet cubicles are made from the compact laminated board which constructed of multilayer of Kraft paper. The Kraft paper regarded as an environmental one, it is durable and no harm to the environment. Toilet cubicles are made from High Pressure Laminate this product of fully manufactured by MBM in the UAE. HPL makes an excellent toilet cubicle due to the strength, water resistance and humidity of the panel. In this system allows to lot of space to be saved to the relatively small width of the panel.

Metal and steel lockers
We engage in   supplying and installation of quality metal lockers. It is ideal for keeping office documents and other things safely. Our range of product include gym lockers, school lockers, metal lockers, steel lockers etc. MBM designing and manufacturing school locker for locker room, gymnasiums, faculty break room etc. From ensuring every item works with our architectural design to make certain within your budget.


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